Sharanya's Projects


ICT Training for Hindi Students

Mar'21 - Present

Leading a team of 3 to create and execute an interactive module for basic ICT training of students of Hindi Hons in Kalindi College to help them navigate better in online academics

Placement Portal - Kalindi College

Dec'20 - Apr'21

Worked in a team of 4 to design a placement portal for Kalindi's official website. Project currently awaiting approval of authorities to go live.

Module/Tools: WordPress, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript

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Home Page
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Student Login
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Student Registration
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Recruiter Login
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Password Encrypted Recruiter Registration Access
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Recruiter Registration
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Student Profile Page
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Upload Resumee Form
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Filter Search Resumes
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Website - Shree Vidya Shakti

Dec'20 - Jan'21

Designed and Developed a website for a coaching institute.

Module/Tools: WordPress, PHP, MySQL

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